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Why schools need to engage in marketing like any other business

December 15th, 2023

Schools, colleges and even universities find themselves at a crossroads in the modern age. Traditionally viewed as providers of knowledge, schools are now navigating a competitive environment that demands more than just academic excellence. The question can be asked: why should schools invest in marketing akin to any other business trying to be successful and grow? We have rounded up some of the best answers to this question below.  

Just like businesses, you need to be seen! 

Firstly, the shift in demographics and social expectations requires a strategic approach to get more students enrolled. With a myriad of choices available to students and their parents, schools must work to stand out amongst the crowd.  

An effective marketing strategy can articulate the unique values, educational opportunities and distinctive offerings that set a school apart from nearby competitors, whether it be a public or private institution. It’s not just about attracting numbers, but rather, engaging a community aligned with the school's ethos. 

Furthermore, financial income is still important for any educational institution's sustainability and ability to provide a better service for students in the future. Schools rely on steady enrolments to operate efficiently. An effective marketing strategy can lead to increased enrolments, thereby ensuring a stable revenue stream that supports infrastructure development, faculty enhancement and wider academic improvement. 

But marketing isn’t always about money! 

 Some people may argue that education isn’t a commodity that can be sold. In other words, marketing has no place in it. However, in a competitive educational landscape, it's not about making education sell. Instead, it’s about responsibly showcasing the unique educational experiences and opportunities a school offers. The school can be proud of its work and what it creates without having to have financial motivations behind its marketing campaigns.  

 Furthermore, schools can use marketing strategies as a way of staying current for the benefit of their students. By staying attuned to market trends, schools can respond to evolving demands and incorporate this into teachings. 

Continuing conversations… 

Investing in marketing isn't solely about attracting new enrolments, it's just as useful as a vehicle to retain existing students. Building a brand that students are proud to be associated with can create loyalty and strengthen the alumni network. In higher education establishments, this may even transform into the creation of education ambassadors, contributing to the ongoing successes of the school or college.  

Marketing options for education providers 

While traditional methods like word-of-mouth referrals remain invaluable, a comprehensive marketing strategy covers all bases. From social media campaigns, engaging website content and digital advertising to community events and partnerships, schools can reach diverse audiences and communicate their value proposition effectively. 

WEBPRO Education can help all UK schools to market their services and their achievements as they wish. With industry-specific professionals on hand, we can grow your school brand together through professional marketing.

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